
Hooks are how modules can interact with the core and other modules.

Codkep module system is also based on the concept of "hooks" like Drupal CMS. The custom modules can implement hooks of invoked by core, but modules can define hooks of their own too.

Implement hooks

A hook is a PHP function within a module that is named hook_abc_xyz(), where "abc" is the name of the module and "xyz" is the name of the hook. Each hook has a defined set of parameters and a specified result type.

Note: Unlike drupal, CodKep hooks are always starts with "hook_" prefix.

To extend CodKep, a module need simply implement a hook(s). When CodKep wishes to allow intervention from modules, it determines which modules implement a hook and calls that hook in all enabled modules that implement it.

You can see the list of Available hooks on "hooks" internal url. In this table the HOOK_ is a placeholder for the hook_modulename in the hook definitions.

Let's see an example which shows using of a hook named HOOK_defineroute. This hook is define a internal path in CodKep and associate the path with a page callback named ownpage.

//mymodule.php file

function hook_mymodule_defineroute()
    $r = [];
    $r[] = [
             'path' => 'own',
             'callback' => 'ownpage',
    return $r;

function ownpage()
    return 'This is my first page!';

When mymodule.php is enabled in _modules.php the page is should alive on url:

Interaction of hooks

In case you implement a hook there is two main method the hook can interact with the other codes.

Hint: Some cases the hook receives parameters which does not documented in details. Use CodKep debugging functions to determine the parameter details.

Hook sequence of a page load

Most hooks is associated to a special event which occurs unpredictable. In the other way there is some hooks which are occur in every page load and follow well defined sequence. This hooks can used to achieve special operations.
In order to list them let's see the operation sequence of the CodKep:

The CodKep starts serve a page

  1. Modules are loaded according to ../site/_modules.php
  2. Hook table is built
    • HOOK_boot
      • Can used to define global settings defaults which are modifiable by _settings.php.
  3. Site settings are read from ../site/_settings.php
  4. Database connection is done (if exists)
    • HOOK_preinit
    • HOOK_init
      • Can change early things which are depended from the settings.
      • The site settings are loaded here. The themes and routes are not loaded!
      • Most modules do their initialisations here. For example the node types are collected here, the form definition repositories and field repositories are also collected here, and so on...
      • Because many module use this hook with undefined order, there are a "preinit" and a "postinit" hooks which runs immediately before and after the "init" hook.
    • HOOK_postinit
  5. Initialize the output buffer.
    • Operations which modifies the outputs are ineffective before this point. (For example: add_style(), add_css_file(), add_js_file())
  6. Themes loaded
    • HOOK_theme
      • Define the themes
  7. Routes loaded
    • HOOK_defineroute
      • Define the locations/routes
  8. Pre procession of routing
    • HOOK_autorun
      • Can be used to do some things, before the main routing. (Everything is loaded)
  9. Routing
    • HOOK_before_start
      • Everything is loaded the current route is selected and the current theme are also loaded.
      • This hook is run immediately before the route's callback
  10. Execute the appropriate callback with the appropriate theme callbacks
  11. Generating the output
    • HOOK_before_deliver
      • This hook runs before the generated data is send to the browser. It can modify the data before deliver.
  12. Sent data to the browser
    • HOOK_after_deliver
      • Runs after the data was sent to the browser. It can do some post processing.

Create hooks

You have the possibility to create your own hook, to request intervention from all enabled modules which implement your hook.

Use the run_hook function to invoke a hook in all enabled modules that implement it.

run_hook($hookname, ...optional parameters... )

If a module invoke the hook "HOOK_customaction" :

$var = "local variable data";

$result = run_hook("customaction",$var);

The "mymodule" module can implement this hook:


function hook_mymodule_customaction($v)
  $r = [];
  //do something
  return $r;

The return values of invoked hooks are merged to an array and returned by run_hook function.

After booting the framework collects the possible hooks in an associated array, so that a run_hook does not need to scan the modules for hooks, the execution is fast and does not have extra overhead.

The hook calling order is depends on the listing order of modules in sys/modules.php and site/_modules.php.

Caching hooks

The CodKep caches the hook calls if APC is available and enable in the webserver. It means that after you create a new hook you have to clear the caches to make it work. You can drop the current caches by hit the following CodKep internal url:

Note: The APC is an optional requirement of CodKep. If it is not available the system work properly but a bit slower.

Change hook order

By default the hooks defined by the modules are executed undefined order. (It usually means module definition order but this is not guaranteed) You can change the order by implement HOOK_hooktable_generated() where you can modify the
global $sys_data;
associative array which holds the available/defined hook calls to a hook name. (hook table)
This hook is called immediately after the hook table is generated, but the result is not stored to cache yet. (It means that the modified version of the table will be store to the cache)

The following example reverse the hook execution order of HOOK_pageview_after:

// In mymodule.php
function hook_mymodule_hooktable_generated()
    global $sys_data;
    $sys_data->available_hooks['pageview_after'] =

Debugging hooks

If you enable these settings below in your site settings you can use same hook debugging page.

global $site_config;
$site_config->enable_hook_table_info = true;

The hook information/debugging pages

FunctionInternal url
System hook call tablehookcalls
Available hookshooks


The following hooks can be implement related to hook table or other hooks.

HOOK_hooktable_generated()This hook is run after the hook call table is generated but the data is not stored to the cache yet.